
Thanks for visiting us at Mischief!
I wanted to share a little about myself and my experience. Currently I share my home with five Standard Schnauzers. As with most people, I had dogs growing up and I taught them what I could as a kid. When I got married and moved out on my own, we obtained a Toy Fox Terrier while in our apartment. I went to a class to work on socialization and basic manners. That was in 1996. Once we moved into a house, we obtained our first Boxers. I started volunteering for a Boxer rescue in 1999 which brought many Boxers through our home and lots of training and learning experience. In 2007, I co-founded Boxer/Schnauzer Rescue of the Ozarks with a friend. The friend has since moved on but I still work with BSRO when needed. My work in rescue led me to meet some ladies that showed Boxers in conformation so I would hang around with them to learn the ropes. I really wanted to try this out but wasn’t sure I wanted to do it with a Boxer. In 2008, I adopted one of my foster Boxers who I named Alice. This girl showed great abilities at a young age and I couldn’t let her go. She was known as UCD Cheshire’s Little Secret CDX BN RA HT THD CGC CGCA RATN retired Pet Partners Therapy dog, actress, and model. She was one of a small population of Boxers that was titled in herding. Yes, Boxers can herd. She also did live theatre and tv. Some of you may have seen her playing Bullseye in Oliver at the Springfield Little Theatre. I lost her sooner than I should have because of kidney disease. After losing her and several rescues before her, at early ages to poor health, I started looking at preservation breeders that health tested their dogs. From this search, a Standard Schnauzer was decided upon. I reached out to several breeders and finally decided to travel to Minnesota in August 2012, to the Heartland Standard Schnauzer Club specialty to meet some breeders.
We had no intention of bringing a puppy home that weekend but on that Sunday we traveled home with a little pepper and salt boy we named Rooster. Rooster went on to be a multiple group winning, multiple owner handled best in show winning, gold grand champion and platinum NOHS Standard Schnauzer. As of the writing of this, he is still the #1 lifetime owner handled Standard Schnauzer. He is formally known as GCHG CH Sketchbook Rodeo Clown RATN.
In 2012, we ventured into the world of conformation by adding a Standard Schnauzer puppy to our home. Since then, we have brought four other Standard Schnauzers into our home. We now share our home with GCHG Sketchbook Rodeo Clown RATN “Rooster”, RATCH GCHB Rhinestone Cowboy “Campbell”, RATCH CH Sketchbook Foolish Pleasure CD BN RA DJ DJA DN SWM SWAE SHDM TKI CGCA ATT “Derby”, Sketchbook No Nonsense “Nonie” and RATCHX4 AKC GCH CH/UKC CH Scarlights Tova SWE SEM SBM RATI FCAT CA ATT CGC CZ8G FDC “Tova”.
For a short time we shared our home with IntCH UKC CH Mava de la Vallee du Mouton “Mava”, a Berger Picard, until she passed away. Derby is the first Standard Schnauzer to ever title in dock diving in AKC. Rooster and Campbell are retired from showing in conformation. Rooster has been to the AKC National Championships in Orlando two times and to Westminster in NYC four times. Campbell has been to the AKC National Championships in Orlando two times and Westminster two times. Campbell and Rooster have also been the only Standard Schnauzers allowed to hunt for rats on the streets of New York with the R.A.T.S. group. They are the only dogs to return a second and third year. This group works with the city to help curb the infestation issues with rats in their communities. They did this on Friday night and on Tuesday Rooster was in the ring showing at Westminster! Nonie is our couch buddy and enjoys her time at home.
At 11 1/2 yrs old, Derby is slowly transitioning to my retired performance dog but still active. Derby has trained in herding, drafting, obedience, rally, barn hunt, weight pull, scent work and has competed in conformation to obtain his championship. He finished his RATCH in barn hunt in June, 2018, and is currently working on elite titles in scent work. He also has two legs in detective. At 9 1/2 yrs old, he started fast cat and has decided it is a great sport. He is now working towards titles in this sport.
My foundation girl for Mischief is Tova. She arrived from Sweden after I imported her in conjunction with one of my breed mentors, Liz Hansen. I keep in frequent contact with her breeder in Sweden. I showed her by myself and earned all of her points. I knew she needed more stimulation so I started her in barn hunt and scent work. She has excelled in these sports but has taken time out a few times to have puppies. She has had three litters which you can learn about on this website.
The Green Gables kids were not my first litter though. In 2018, I reached out to another breed mentor, Mary Ann Lambert, and asked about leasing her girl, Libby. In January 2019, the Lost Boys were born with my Campbell being the father. This litter was bred under the Sketchbook name. These boys have all gone on to do great things.
I’m excited to continue to grow the Mischief line and look forward to adding you to the Mischief squad!
Member in good standing of the following clubs/groups:
Standard Schnauzer Club of America
Boxer-Schnauzer Rescue of the Ozarks
Heartland Standard Schnauzer Club

I got started in dogs in 2012 when I adopted a parti mini schnauzer from Boxer-Schnauzer Rescue of the Ozarks named Orion. From that one mini schnauzer has stemmed so many things. We fostered mini schnauzers with BSRO for many years and adopted (foster failed) quite a few times. I got started in dogs sports with my first one being barn hunt and starting the local club. From there I realized that my rescue dogs just couldn’t compete at the level that I wanted to, so I decided to explore the world of purebred dogs and I got my first well-bred, preservation bred dog Peanut. He was our first Berger Picard and still competes in sports with my husband today. He held the highest titled Picard in barn hunt for several years until his half sister came and stole it! I bred several litters of Picards and kept a boy from my first litter who I named Roger. RATCH2 CH Sketchbook Over And Out FCAT SWA Roger taught me so much about dog training and was the first dog I finished his entire championship in conformation completely by myself. I decided that I wanted a bit more portable of a dog and discovered little lions – Lowchen! Through partnership with Roman Reign I was able to acquire Mimi (GCH CH Roman Reign Potrero Straight To The Heart RATO), my foundation girl and the rest has been history. I finished Mimi’s grand and have had four amazing litters. Mimi actively competes in barn hunt with my husband. The girl I kept from Mimi’s first litter I named Hedwig (GCH CH Romain Reign Hedwig’s Special Delivery At Mischief FDC DCAT SWN SCA SIA) and is my partner in all things. She has finished her grand championship – the first bred by löwchen from Mischief! She actively competes in scent work and fast cat. We have started agility and are moving towards competition. She also is my service dog and provides service tasks for me – proving she is an all-around mighty lion. Our journey with these lions has just began and we are proud of every single one we produce and the families they live with. Thank you for learning just a little bit about me!!
Member in good standing of the following clubs/groups: